What’s covered

Inclusions and Exclusions

Before initiating a complaint, it is advisable to ascertain whether the matter falls within the ambit of FDRC’s jurisdiction for potential resolution.

FDRC can duly entertain a complaint if the following conditions are met:

  1. The complaint is directed at a Scheme Member. In cases where the financial service provider is no longer affiliated with FDRC, a complaint may still be considered if it pertains to an event occurring during the financial service provider’s membership with FDRC.
  1. The complaint pertains to an alleged breach of a contract, statutory obligation, industry code, or any other legal obligation, or involves an unfair practice. The use of specific terminology to define these elements is not mandated in the complaint.
  1. The complaint is submitted by a person or organization characterized by having fewer than 20 full-time equivalent employees, and either has received the financial service under dispute or has been denied access to it.
  1. The complainant is categorized as a retail client, as distinct from a wholesale client.


  1. Matters related to the performance of financial investments are beyond the scope of coverage.
  1. Fees imposed by a Scheme Member generally fall outside the scope of coverage, unless there exists a dispute concerning their application.
  1. General policies and practices of a Scheme Member typically lie outside the purview of FDRC. Nonetheless, complaints can be filed regarding how these policies were executed or administered.
  1. It should be noted that while complaints involving amounts exceeding EUR20,000 are admissible, the maximum compensation that FDRC can award remains subject to this limit.
  1. FDRC is unable to consider complaints that have already been submitted to another forum, such as a Court or Tribunal, or complaints that have been previously adjudicated by FDRC. Additionally, complaints may be declined if FDRC deems them frivolous or vexatious. Matters that do not fall within FDRC’s jurisdiction will not be further pursued.

Read more: https://fdrc.org.uk/consumers/fdrc-complaint-form/

What might be covered?

  • The performance of financial investments
  • A Scheme Member’s fees unless there might be a dispute about how they have been applied
  • A Scheme Member’s general policies and practices, although a complaint might be made about how these policies were applied or administered
  • The maximum compensation than might be awarded is EUR20,000 at maximum; complaints might be brought to FDRC that involve more than EUR20,000, but the maximum compensation that FDRC might award still applies
  • FDRC cannot consider any complaints that might have been made in another forum such as a Court or Tribunal; a complaint that might have already been considered by FDRC; if a reasonable settlement offer might have already been made, or if FDRC decides the complaint is frivolous or vexatious; any complaints that do not fall within FDRC’s guidelines will also not be progressed.

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